Welcome to this place where MUSIC WITH A PURPOSE is Medicine for the Soul
Contact: info@mcalban.com
fall me
MASTERCLASS & Online Workshop

With this introductory video
Love, Health, Money? … INNER PEACE?
Much is said about forgiveness. It is no mystery to anyone that this is the MASTER KEY that opens the door to true Inner Health.
Carrying emotional burdens not only makes the soul sick, but it is scientifically proven that many of the illnesses are related to holding resentments, bitterness, poison, pain... in short, not FORGIVING .
The layers of lack of love that are formed in the heart due to lack of forgiveness is the main cause of heart attacks, cancer and mental illnesses such as dementia, Alzheimer's, depression, etc.
We all want to succeed in life, but we do not want to understand or are unaware that these burdens make life heavier and this is what does not allow you to move forward.
In order for the wheel of life to turn and to be able to balance and harmonize the development of each and every one of the areas of your life project, it is absolutely necessary to LEARN TO FORGIVE .
For me, forgiveness is a subject that is handled in the spiritual realm, but if you do not have an awakening of the mind of what it really means, and you do not connect it to an emotional consciousness, it is very difficult for you to really achieve it.
Five Physical Benefits of Forgiveness
1. Lower stress levels
According to According to a study conducted by researchers at the Hope Center , one of the benefits of forgiveness is that it reduces cortisol levels.
The researchers examined the physical responses of 71 participants while talking about grudges and while talking about forgiveness and empathy. Those who showed more forgiveness prospects had lower psychological stress responses.
2. Keeps your heart healthy
Forgiveness is also good for the heart. A study suggests that people who hold grudges tend to have higher heart rates, while those who are more empathetic and forgiving tend to have lower heart rates.
3. Reduce pain
According to According to a study by researchers at Duke University Medical Center , forgiving those who have wronged us can reduce both emotional and physical pain. Of 61 participants who suffered from chronic back pain, those who were more forgiving reported lower pain levels. This led the researchers to think that "there is a relationship between forgiveness and important aspects of living with constant pain."
4. Lowers blood pressure
Letting go of anger can lower your blood pressure. Studies show that forgiveness is associated with it.
5. Extends life
Grudges can be taking years off your life. According to a new study , after looking at adults age 66 and older and determining their ability to forgive, those who were less clinging in nature tended to live longer. Forgive and live.
In the following Workshop, you will see another angle, another face of forgiveness. This being the basis of a whole process, which you can continue once you have completed this workshop.
Below you will find the registration button for this first phase of the process.
I hope you enjoy it and that it is a great contribution to your life.
With love
Mary Caroline Alban
Your Natural Emotional Health Advisor
& Music therapist.
I'll wait for you at the McAlban ONline Workshop * EDUCATE YOURSELF FOR FORGIVENESS * .